We’ll do our best to back to you withing 24 hrs.
All orders from the purchasing transaction, (and depending on the choices you make) to printing, framing, and shipping are handled by a third party. Fine Art America
We use the largest print-on-demand fulfillment network in the world with 16 manufacturing centers located in 5 countries. Each manufacturing center can ship products to any destination in the world. When you place or receive an order for one of your products, they’ll automatically route the order to the nearest manufacturing center in order to minimize shipping costs and speed up delivery times.
The third party will replace it!
They do their absolute best to package your order so that it arrives in perfect condition. Unfortunately, they can’t control the UPS / FedEx delivery drivers who will be handling the order along the way.
If your order arrives damaged, simply contact them using this form , and they’ll get a replacement order into production ASAP:
Don’t worry – damage rarely occurs. They wouldn’t be in business for very long if it did!
Browse through the shop page. Prices and further details are clearly listed.
Not at this time. 🙁
Just kidding…no one ever asks that.
We’ll do our best to back to you withing 24 hrs.